August 22 2016

Who we are


HENRI BLANC, founder and technical director

At 62, Henri Blanc PhD in fluid mechanics took the major part of its professional life to research, find and calculate solutions with a focus know-how transmission and innovation. In parallel to teaching at ENSAM, he founded an engineering consulting firm in mechanical power transmission (gears, high speed shaft dynamic and support). He leads the technical development of the knee.

SOPHIE BLANC, administration & commercial development


At 32, business owner & winegrower, she is in business since the beginning of her career. Her company, Sophie Blanc Consulting SASU, works at creating and developing other businesses, essentially in the agribusiness sector.

A graduate of HEC Montreal in Canada, Sophie daily helps with strategic, managerial, administrative and commercial decisions. She aims at bringing the highest level of financial and structural improvements to her clients.


PEGGY BLANC, medical and regulatoryPEGGY BLANC

At 30, Doctor Peggy Blanc works in a Medical center in the infectiology department. From her work, she brings knowledge of the fast paced medical evolution in R&D and is responsible for OrthoProSecure medical and regulatory communications.


This team is reinforced by well chosen staff. For exemple, Etienne Gaudreau a mechanical engineer of 8 years of experience and a Double diploma MBA student joined the team in June 2016 for an internship.


Our partners

Afficher l'image d'origineL’ENSAM Paris-Tech, Bordeaux-Talence, anchoring and development

Professor of mechanical engineering at ENSAM since 1994, Henri has access since 2016 to the technical school infrastructure to fabricate and test different prototypes of knees. Faithful to its origins, OrthoProSecure will allow students to realize internships favoring transfer of knowledge and experience but also market vision.


Market Study

Afficher l'image d'origineANNE-SOPHIE MOUSSA, LYSEI, strategic consulting in marketing and communication specialized in health. PhD in Pharmacy with an MBA, Anne-Sophie Moussa cumulates more than 15 years of experience in international marketing in the health sector and introduced many drugs to markets from the United States to Sub-Saharan Africa. She works with us on market studies, characteristics, prescriber and stakeholders. LYSEI

Orthopedic advisor

J érôme Lamorere, orthothist and prostetist at Domital Orthopédie, a specialist of medical and orthopedic material. Since the beginning of the ProSecure adventure, Jérôme is the orthotist expert who guides us through the adjustments, testing and validation which accurately represents an amputee’s everyday life.

Partenaires institutionnels


Technopole Bordeaux Unitec brings its knowledge and support to OrthoProSecure.

Région Nouvelle Aquitaine backed up OrthoProSecure by giving in 2Logo_Nouvelle-Aquitaine_2016015 financial support for technical-economic studies in the feasibility stage.








