Our presence at the 8th FATO congress in Togo – Experience Feedback


We have got an enthusiastic response from the crowd! The OrthoProSecure knee gets a lot of attention; the knee is a technological breakthrough and drives conversations mainly among orthotists and prosthetists.

20160824_111750_crComing from his social values of cooperation, Henri Blanc, founder of OrthoProSecure, wants to create a prosthetic knee adapted to the resources and needs of amputees in emerging and developed countries. OrthoProSecure thus advocate a development organization of the knee which integrates the opinion and return of experience of the people involved. With orthotists /prosthetists and amputees brining fields needs we will be better positioned to satisfy them while being affordable.

20160821_131919_cr-copie2  It is in this cooperation atmosphere that we met 300 professionals form 40 African countries during august. Henri Blanc presented OrthoProSecure to the Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Togo. One fourth of the professionals at the congress attended the information workshop on the ProSecure knee where the capabilities of the prototype were shown. About 10 orthotists / prosthetists chose to jump into the OrthoProSecure adventure by giving of their time to test the knee on their patients.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you too are interested in the adventure. We are always seeking orthotists, prosthetists and investors.

OrthoProSecure | Let’s Walk Together! | Henri Blanc


To know more about:


The African Federation of Orthopaedic Technicians (FATO) aimsfato_logo to promote access to the right to functional rehabilitation of disabled persons in Africa through the creation of a network of professionals (orthopaedic technicians, physiotherapists, rehabilitation doctors etc.)



The FATO congress

The International Congress of FATO provides opportunities to logo-fato2016-fr2exchange experiences and knowledge for rehabilitation professionals to support career development to improve quality of services, to lead discussions in achieving results for sustainable services and engage in solutions for social change to remove barriers people with disabilities face to access services. All actors of the rehabilitation sector in Africa are can participate du FATO congress : rehabilitation professionals, policy makers such as representatives of the Ministries of Health, educational institutions, disability organizations…
